BackPack Vacuum Advantages

Backpack Vacuums are superior to standard upright vacuums from the perspective of productivity, filtration, ease of use and a much lower fatigue factor 

  • Backpack vacuum cleaner’s ease-of-use and ergonomic design allowed workers to vacuum more than twice the area in half the time with less fatigue and body strain (a figure backed by the ISSA official timetables for cleaning).
  • Backpack vacuums are more ergonomic by vacuuming side-to-side, not front-to-back, it requires less than half the energy and effort to clean the same area as it would take with an upright
  • Backpack vacuums are lightweight. When worn properly, the effect of the backpack on body joints and posture is negligible and similar to walking.
  • Backpack vacuums improve mobility and reduce the risk of falling -it uses a neutral posture compared to extreme arm and leg extensions seen when using an upright.
  • Backpack vacuum users experience less body stress due to the use of larger muscle groups by minimizing “hunching over” often associated with upright and canister vacuums.
  • Backpack vacuum users experience less body stress due to the use of larger muscle groups by minimizing “hunching over” often associated with upright and canister vacuums.
  • Backpack vacuum increase efficiency by allowing more carpet to be cleaned in a shorter amount of time due to the natural walking motion used.

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